I think on this post I'm going to try and answer any questions that anyone might have about our ministry with MAF. So if you have a question just post it in the comments and I'll try to answer it to the best of my ability. I'm going to let this post sit for a couple days just so it'll generate good discussion.

I have an odd question coming from my 3rd grade class. I have told them about you and MAF - so when we were watching the Operation Christmas Child video and it showed planes - they wanted to know if MAF helps deliver the Christmas boxes - -
Hey SJ, thanks for your question. The answer is, yes, we do help with deliver the shoe boxes in the countries were MAF serves. If you were to watch the video you'll see a red and white plane and that is MAF's.
We also team up with SP and operate a couple of there airplanes. This is happening in Indonesia with tsunami relief.
p.s. don't worry about this question being odd, we are asked it on a regular basis as we speak in churches
Well, what prompted the question was one of my kids seeing the plane on the video and then when I watched it I thought it looked like and MAF plane - very cool - they will be excited to know that!
Opps - that was supposed to be me - - - I didn't realize Jeremy was logged in - - - and I think it is very cool MAF does that - my kiddos at school will be excited to know that too :)
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