The picture above is of me falling off a cannon in Canada. The story goes like this... We were doing a little touring around the area where Esther's mom grew up and went to university. We were in this small historic town and went to see a historic site. Someone (I can't remember if it was Esther or her dad) suggested that we get a picture riding the cannon. Well, I climbed on top of the cannon and started to slide out to the end of the barrel when the next thing I knew I was sliding around to the bottom side of the barrel. I really didn't know where to grab to keep from falling off, or where to place my feet. Thankfully Esther came to my rescue while her dad just took pictures. We all had a pretty good laugh at my expense and we still laugh when we look at this picture.

This is very funny - thanks for sharing!!!!! We miss you guys!!!!!
That is awesome. Very funny. I'm glad your backside didn't experience any embarassment
Read JCrew's blog for some helpful tips :)
I love this story!
I don't many men who would neglect the opportunity to ride a cannon.
I cannot find your email so I'll just comment.
I saw from your IP address that you're both back home. Must feel good after that long a trek.
Just wanted to drop a welcome home note!
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