Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Land Ho!!!!

Since this is a blog about missions I think I should get back to some of that stuff. Today I just wanted to post a link to a website about a boat named the Stap Isi. The couple that owns this boat are missionaries with Pioneer Bible Translators and they work in Papua New Guinea translating the Bible into a national language. What does the sail boat have to do with anything you may ask? Well, where these folks do their translation there are many rivers and they have found that living on the rivers helps them do their work more effectively. So they decided to buy a sail boat in the US and sail it basically around the world to use it in PNG. This page tells their story. I'd encourage you to take a little time to read the log book (which they update when they can). They have a very humorous way of writing and someday it'll make a good book in the 'travel essays' section of your nearest bookstore.


Stephanie said...

This is absolutely amazing to me! Thanks for sharing! How encouraging (and convicting) to see their commitment to the gospel being spread.

Esther said...

I think it is pretty cool how they are using the boat as a tool, kind of like how MAF uses the airplane.

Stephanie said...

Very cool - I am going to enjoy checking this and keeping up on reading their stories.