Yes, that is a picture of me riding a giant Jackalope. I guess by doing some three second research it is one of the rarest animals on the planet. I also read that it can mimick the human voice, so much that cowboys used to hear them mimick their campfire songs. But really folks.... I think it might be some sort of conspiracy. Maybe it is a close kin to the mighty bigfoot. Well let me guide you to some very factual research sites that the good ol' www has brought us.
The first one has some good photos. The second one comes from the Wikipedia encyclopedia. If you would like more info on this famed creature do a google search and you'll get more than enough info.
That is quite a picture - where were you when you found this creature?
SJ, You must know if you want to see the jackalope you only need to head as far as Wall Drug in Wall, SD. I'm talking about the Wall Drug in which they serve you a cup of ice water for free and have 5 cent coffee. It is so famous there are billboards all the way across South Dakota for Wall Drug and at one time they were all across the nation and the world.
Amazing! Maybe I will check it out if I am ever just passing through Wall - - -
I typed this three times now... not sure what's happening!!
I'm loving this picture. I'm impressed that you were able to not only mount, but get a shot of the elusive Jackalope!
Do you get a wish or something for cathing one?
Kludge, I'm not really sure if i get anything for getting this shot. Just the satisfaction that i've seen the elusive jackalope.
This would make a great profile shot!
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