For the past three days I've been trying to come up with some good blogging material. My wife and I have been in Worthington for about three weeks now reconnecting with friends in this area and sharing our MAF ministry. We have also been working hard at figuring our next move as far as people and churches we need to contact. I'll post about that when we know more.
I found something interesting just now. It has been under my nose for a few weeks and I haven't even seen it until today. Most folks know that aviation is expensive, just look at the cost of airline tickets today. Due to this concern and some others people always have the question whether or not mission aviation is still a cost effective way of spreading the gospel. My answer to this question is a strong "YES"!!!! MAF just released it's
Operation ACCESS study. This study has been going on since 2000 in some of the most remote areas of the world. What it has shown is that there are still huge barriers that need to be overcome to reach the world with the gospel. These barriers are not just geographical, but also language, political, and education. I'd encourage you to take some time to check out some of the results of the study. I know time is not something that a lot of people have these days so I'll link you to the "
Fast Facts" sheet and then you can get a little more of a feel for what the study is about. The
Operation ACCESS website also has some good info. I hope with this information we cannot only sense the need that is our there, but the urgency to reach the unreached for the Kingdom of God.