A Bit of History
I think I need to back up a bit now that i'm starting to have a little more traffic on the blog. if you got to my page through the Fellowship of Nicaea "Support Missions" link than you might be asking what does this blog have to do with missions so far? so let me explain to those who don't already know so that we can all be on the same page. My wife Esther and I are new missionaries with Missionary Aviation Fellowship. I am a aircraft mechanic and we are headed to Democratic Republic of Congo to work in an MAF hanger supporting the extensive flight program. Right now though, we are starting to raise our ministry support team. This team will is individuals and churches who will come together with us in prayer and finacial support. We hope to have this support team in place by January 2007 so that we can start our language training (French) and technical trianing. We are happy to be in this place and are excited about what the Lord is going to do through us. I have a link to MAF in case some folks want to know a little bit more about their ministry overseas. You can also find a page that explains a little more about Esther and I and our calling into overseas missions. As we continue on this jounery we will also update the blog and maybe with this little bit of history things will start to come into place.
I have to say, I'm very impressed that you are willing to follow where you believe God is leading you. I was sitting with Patricia and our atlas showing her where you are heading.
I was try to relaying to her the conversation about your plans. The whole "we have to stay in Uganda due to unrest in Congo" bit, really stuck me. I'm not sure I could make that kind of commitment.
This is pretty cool stuff guys. We look forward to being updated on your journey's and will continue to pray.
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