As you can see from the date from my last post it has been close to a year. I'm sure a lot of people have given up on checking this blog for updates. It seems to me that blogging has become less and less of a priority to folks. It's like when you get a new toy or gadget and play with it and use, but as soon as the newness wears off it sits on the shelf only to be picked up once in a while. That's the way it is for me at least. Maybe we've found more important things to do.
Well, Esther and I are in our last semester of French language school in Quebec. We've enjoyed our time here, gotten to know some pretty neat folks and have learned some French. We are, however, excited about moving on to DRC. It looks like at this point it will be the end of January when we take off. We don't have an exact date but our formal request to purchase tickets has been turned in. Our time line kind of looks like this, and we reserve the right to change it at any time :). December 12 is our last day of class, or maybe our last day of exams. The next few days following that we'll be busy packing up our stuff and moving out of our apartment. We'll then head down to Worthington, MN where our shipment is being put together. We'll be there for one night and then go to Missouri for Christmas with our family. After that, it's back up to Worthington to finish up our shipment and any last minute details before blasting off.
Some days it seems like our departure is still aways off but most days we know that it is right around the corner and will be here sooner than we know it.
Anna is doing well, she really growing up. She seems more like a little girl than a baby. This summer she started walking so now it's a challenge to keep up with her. We are truly blessed to have her in our family.
Well, I can't promise it won't be another year until I post again, but maybe I'll get one in. Thanks to everyone who continues to think about us and pray for us.
1 comment:
I did check - yea :):) I think facebook has taken over :):) We miss you all!
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