I think in a past post I said that I would give you a little more detail on our calendar as far as traveling goes. Well, I'm here to do that now. We have been in Worthington, MN for about 4 weeks now and are getting ready to head into week 5. Esther's parents are going to visit us this next week and we are looking forward to that.
After their week here Esther and I are heading out on tour again. The other day I was thinking that I felt a bit like a musician only I don't have a big fancy bus, roadies to carry my stuff, and a bunch of other people do to make road tours works. That's ok though, we really enjoy getting out and meeting folks and letting them know what God is doing in our lives. Anyway, we'll be heading up to the north east New England area and then across the boarder to Canada. Most of our time there will be in Nova Scotia, but we'll also stop by Prince Edward Island to see Esther's' grandma and an aunt and uncle. That trip will take us up to September 30. For there we'll head back south down to Ohio and spend a week there with a Church at a missions type conference. From there we head straight south down to North Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia. The grand total for weeks away from "home" is....11.
Please pray for us that we would have safety driving many miles, the car would run smoothly, and that we would be able to effectively communicate what God is doing in our lives.
I will do my best to publish from the road, but it might be hit and miss. I think one of the highlights I'm looking forward to (other than meeting folks and seeing the east side of the country) is the CAT ferry. We might be using this on our way back to the south instead of driving back around through Maine. We look forward to this time and sharing what God is doing.
We definitely will be praying for you guys. BTW.. that cat ferry looks totally legit.
The Cat Ferry looks awesome! We are praying for you - please call us and keep in touch as to how things are going - we miss you both!
I hope you aren't living in your (my?) car until you head out!
We love you guys and are praying for you!
BTW... check our our blog!
Rafiki Village Director - where is your blog - I am looking for it :):)
Okay.. the CAT looks sweet!
I've very envious of your tour, even with the knowledge of why your doing it. I hope you will be able to raise support and bring understanding of your desire to serve God to the people you will be meeting.
On a side note, as I was scrolling through the pictures, I had to ask myself. Is the CAT only for white people?
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